The macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) in the current-biased intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) of high-Tc cuprates has attracted much attention for decades. Although the MQT for the phase switches from the zero to the first voltage state (1st SW) in the multiple-branched I-V curves is well explained by the conventional theory, the occurrence of MQT for the higher order switches such as the switch from the 1st to 2nd voltage state (2nd SW) has been still debated. Here, we present an experimental study on the phase switches of small IJJs fabricated from underdoped Bi2Sr2(Ca,Y)Cu2Oy. We observed the single photon transition between quantized energy levels in the 3rd phase switches at 59.15 GHz and 2 K. The comparison with the previous studies on the nearly optimal-doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy clearly suggests a possibility that the MQT rate for the higher-order phase switches is commonly enhanced by the effective suppression of the energy barrier for the higher-order phase escape due to the phase-running state after the 1st SW, in spite of the large difference in a critical current density and Tc.
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