Purpose: to experimentally determine the correlational relationships between the physical and technical preparation of taekwondo players 12–14 years old. Material and methods. During the work, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature and the Internet, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical research, methods of mathematical statistics. 30 athletes specializing in taekwondo, age 12–14 years old, athlete qualification 1–2 grade, took part in the study. Results: at the beginning of the stage of basic training, statistically significant correlations were found between: speed-power index and the frequency of execution of side kicks to the torso after 10 seconds with the left leg r=0,50; a swing with the left leg forward in 15 s has a high degree of correlation with the frequency of lateral kicks to the torso in 10 s alternately with both legs r=0,54, the frequency of lateral kicks to the torso in 10 s with the left leg – r = 0,63 and the right – r=0,50 and the inverse relationship with a side impact with deployment in opposite directions in 15 seconds to the upper level – r=-0,53; squat on one leg in 30 s on the left leg – from fencing in 10 s to the upper level with the left leg r=0,62 and right leg with a side kick with a 360° rotation in 15 s with the right leg r=0,63; indicators of longitudinal and transverse splits have inverse relationships with fencing in 10 seconds to the upper level with the left leg – r=-0,67, r=-0,56, respectively. Correlation analysis of relationships of the level of manifestation of indicators of special physical and technical preparation at the end and at the beginning of the stage of basic training is marked by an increase in the number of high degrees of correlation relationships from 9 to 21. It was found that the speed-strength index has the largest number of high relationships – 6 (r=0,50–0,72), this is due to the fact that at the end of the stage of basic training, the improvement of technical fitness indicators occurs due to the improvement of special physical fitness, in particular, due to the manifestation of speed and strength abilities and intermuscular coordination, which is reflected in the ability of athletes to control their movements. Conclusions. The research established that at the beginning of the stage of basic training and technique formation, the manifestation of flexibility affects 10 medium-level correlations (r=0,31–0,46) and 2 high inverse correlations (r=-0,67, -0,56), and at the end of the stage, the manifestation of speed-power abilities and intermuscular coordination is of crucial importance. Taekwondo athletes require training that improves aerobic capacity, resulting in the development of oxygen systems in order to perform as efficiently as possible during a bout consisting of 3 rounds of 2 minutes with only 1 minute of rest for partial recovery, energy resources. However, work under significant hypoxia, that is, in anaerobic conditions, also plays a large role in a sports match.
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