The article was devoted to the issues of organizational behavior management in modern conditions of organization’s and enterprise’s functioning, and more precisely – in martial law. The concepts of «organizational behavior», factors influencing on its formation (external: politics, economics, social environment, etc.; and internal: level of competence, personal values, self-development plans, expectations, self-concept, age, etc.). The conceptual model of organizational behavior management in the personnel management system was presented. Strategic tasks of behavior management were described: ensuring the development of labor potential, its effective use, the formation of effective motivational mechanism and conflict management mechanism, loyalty system, staff cohesion. Direct the system of the main goals of organizational behavior management in modern conditions. There were: form a sense of unity, organization and unity of staff, develop cooperation, mutual assistance and healthy competition, achieve understanding within the work process, form and maintain team spirit, create a comfortable environment of organizations, increase staff productivity, improve staff quality, strengthen the authority of top management, increase staff loyalty, etc. The advantages of behavior management for the organization in general and the employee in particular were analyzed. Features of organizational behavior management in the conditions of military actions were considered and a number of offers concerning improvement of HR-management taking into account specificity of organization’s external environment condition were formed. In particular, attention was paid to improving communication policy at the micro level (developing joint planning skills, discussing problems and issues, developing a common strategy, etc.), developing staff skills of self-regulation (mental techniques and mastering a number of basic breathing exercises) and stress adaptation, overcoming stress at work), self-management (recommendations for effective communication and self-satisfaction). In general, attention was paid to the fact, that a well-established mechanism of behavior management allows not only to form an effective model of preservation, use and retention of personnel, while achieving organizational goals, but also to help each employee in professional, competence, personal growth.
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