We have studied the silicon (Si) band-structure, electron–electron and electron-ionized donor interaction effects on our accurate and approximate results (AcR and ApR) for renormalized effective spin susceptibitity (RESS), electron mass (EEM), Landé factor and spin polarization in the impure 2D Si (electron system), showing that: (i) our ApR, being strongly deviated from our AcR, reproduces approximately all the data obtained recently by Pudalov et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 196404) [in particular, RESS =4.7 at the critical value of Wigner–Seitz radius r s : r s =r c ≈8.5 at which occur the “apparent” metal–insulator transition (MIT)] and can also be compared with other ApRs found in the recent literature, (ii) both the RESS and EEM produce physical singularities at the same critical value: r s= r c≅11.0566⪢1 (weakly disordered samples) at which occurs the “true” MIT; the existence of such two “apparent and true” critical values in this impure system agrees with a recent discussion by Abrahams et al. (Rev. Mod. Phys. 73 (2001) 251), and (iii) at r s= r c=8.5, at which occurs the “apparent” MIT, our AcR for effective spin polarization and the corresponding result, obtained using a disordered Hubbard model and a determinant quantum Monte Carlo method by Denteneer and Scalettar (Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 246401), both give the same result: ξ eff.= ξ c≅0.31 at B≅0.4 T , which is found to be lower than the critical parallel magnetic field for full spin polarization, B c =1.29 T , supporting thus the existence of such an “apparent” MIT.
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