In present era stress remains a favorite subject of research especially in medicalprofession because with high competitive roles and responsibilities, this profession serves theneed of mankind. Objective: Assessment of professional stress in female medical doctorsemployed at different tertiary care hospitals of Karachi, Pakistan. Study Design: The crosssectionalnon-experimental survey. Setting: Different tertiary care hospitals of Karachi. Period:November, 2012 to July, 2013. Methodology: Internationally validated and standardizedquestionnaire was used as survey tool for present research. It was distributed to total twohundred and twenty eight 228 female medical doctors. Results: Total 191 respondents filledthe research survey. 64.39% were MBBS, 20.42% were BDS and 15.18% were postgraduaterespondents. Cronbach’s alpha was 73.60%. Mean age of respondents was 29.32 ± 6.96years, average stress score was 12.09 ± 4.33 with average years of experience were 4.58 ±5.57 years. Stress scores on the basis of demographic variables like age groups, experience,qualification and marital status showed average scores in range between10-12 units. However,high frequency of respondents scored moderate to severe stress when probed on the basis oflevels of stress they have possess. Categorizing the equation for stress scores observed in thepresent survey as, MBBS respondents showed more stress units i.e., 12.50, BDS doctors havehad 11.50 units stress and postgraduate respondents had 10 units stress scores. Conclusions:Results concluded that stress in female medical professionals is never underestimated as itis clearly indicated through present survey that all female respondents possess average jobstress which need to address.
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