Control commands that drive railcars and operate each equipments are issued via control electric wires to each car formed train. Recently as control system come to the imcreasingly complex and service to the passengers is improved, the number of control electric wires is on the increase. But the increase is limited by easiness of maintenance and the carbody structure. Application of a multiplex system is thus conceived. Because of high level noise occurring in train, the multiplex system needs in most cases exclusive communications lines. If the control electric wires can serve concurrently as communications lines, i will be needless to install new commuication lines. By adoption of a differential driver-receiver used electric characteristic balance of control electric wires and a strong software check function of communication signal, an ample noise margin can be improved. A multiplex system was mounted on the JR electric railcars and tested on main line of JR Kyusyu. Based on the test result, the system has been inproduced in electric-diesel railcar cooperative drive system.
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