The effect of sex on the phenomenon of pseudoneglect was assessed in 60 male and 61 female right-handed subjects using a modified form of Corsi's block-tapping test. A significant right-lateralized pseudoneglect for both sexes was found, and the level of pseudoneglect strongly correlated with neglect in the right hemispace. Men were significantly more accurate in the left hemispace than women, whereas no difference was seen between the sexes in the right hemispace. Although we found some indirect evidence from which to infer that the men's brain may be functionally more lateralized than the women's for this spatial task, there was no significant difference between the sexes in correct responses for the left hemispace, i.e., right pseudoneglect. Therefore, the results suggest that pseudoneglect phenomenon can be partly explained by a functional asymmetric feature of the brain, and the other factors probably play a role in producing the similar patterns of asymmetric perception of space in males and females.
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