Currently, the demand for gold is ever increasing while the reserve of gold ore is very limited. The extraction of gold ion from various waste effluents is now a very important way for a sustainable gold supply. In this work, a green, selective, simple, easy, cheap and energy efficient way to recover Au ion from a mimic waste stream containing Au, Zn, Fe and Cu ions has been developed using a room temperature electron reduction with argon glow discharge as the electron source. Metal ions with sufficiently high standard electrode potentials can be reduced by such electron reduction. A selective reduction of gold ion has been thereby established, where other metal ions remain in the solution. With the addition of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP), an Au/PVP floating film is rapidly formed on the surface of water within a few minutes. This makes the collection of the recovered gold very easy with very high recovery yield. The gold recovery yield reaches 87.19% in 60 s and 99.96% in 480 s under the reaction condit...
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