Aqueous nonionic surfactant solutions are known to undergo a phase transition from lamellar to vesicle when shear force is applied. It is also known that viscosity increases with the phase transition1). Our group has previously reported that the impedance decreases during the phase transition2). However, there are still many unknown aspects of the conduction mechanism in aqueous surfactant solutions of before, after, and during the phase transition. Therefore, in this study, we performed rheo-impedance measurements of aqueous surfactant solutions with different electrolyte concentrations. Furthermore, the dependency of the phase on the rheological parameters was verified using small-angle light scattering.As surfactant, two types of polyoxyethylene lauryl ethers (BL4.2 and BL4SY) were used. As electrolyte, an aqueous Na2SO4 solution of 1.0 à 100 mol/L, 1.0 à 10-1 mol/L, 1.0 à 10-2 mol/L or 1.0 à 10-3 mol/L was prepared. The sample solution was a mixture of Na2SO4 solution, surfactant, and pure water with ratios of 5 wt%, 40 wt%, and 55 wt%, respectively. The sample solution was heated to 40°C, stirred, and allowed to settle until all bubbles disappeared completely. Samples without electrolyte (40 wt% surfactant, 60 wt% pure water) were prepared correspondingly. Rheology was measured with a gap of 1.0 mm over 30 min, at 35 °C, and a shear rate of 10 s-1. Simultaneously, electrochemical impedance was measured continuously with an initial potential of 0 V, in the frequency range of 500 kHz to 1 kHz (5 points per decade), with an amplitude 10 mV using a potentiogalvanostat with FRA (Hz-7000).Phase transitions were observed in all solutions. Electrolyte concentration did not affect the time to phase transition. Capacitive semicircles were observed in all solutions. Curve fitting showed that the resistance of the solutions decreased after the phase transition. This is thought to be due to the difference in the orientation of the structure, which allows for easier transfer of protons and sodium ions in the vesicle than in the lamellar. When the electrolyte concentration was low, the resistance was greater than that of the solution without electrolyte. On the other hand, when the electrolyte concentration was high, the resistance decreased obviously. We are currently investigating the cause of this phenomenon. Details will be reported on the day.1) Diat, D. Roux, F. Nallet, J. Phys. II France, 3, 1427 (1993).2) Isao Shitanda et al., Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan (2023).
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