Quantisation of Lorentz invariant scalar field theory in Doplicher-Fredenhagen-Roberts (DFR) space-time, a Lorentz invariant, non-commutative space-time is studied. We use an approach to quantisation that is based on the equations of motion alone and derive the equal time commutation relation between Doplicher-Fredenhagen-Roberts-Amorim (DFRA) scalar field and its conjugate, which has non-commutative dependent modifications, but the corresponding creation and annihilation operators obey usual algebra. We show that imposing the condition that the commutation relation between the field and its conjugate is same as that in the commutative space-time leads to a deformation of the algebra of quantised oscillators. Both these deformed commutation relations derived are valid to all orders in the non-commutative parameter. By analysing the first non-vanishing terms which are θ3 order, we show that the deformed commutation relations scale as 1/λ4, where λ is the length scale set by the non-commutativity of the space-time. We also derive the conserved currents for DFRA scalar field. Further, we analyse the effects of non-commutativity on Unruh effect by analysing a detector coupled to the DFRA scalar field, showing that the Unruh temperature is not modified but the thermal radiation seen by the accelerated observer gets correction due to the non-commutativity of space-time.
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