The article considers the change in the physical and mechanical characteristics of cement stone made of the CEM I 42,5 N Portland cement in the process of bacterial and fungal corrosion for 6 months in the air and moisture conditions. It is established that the density of concrete during microbiological corrosion increases under constant moistening of the sample. However, after drying, a decrease in the density of concrete is recorded by 10 % under the influence of Bacillus subtilis bacteria and by 14 % under the influence of black mold. The degree of influence of microorganisms on the amount of water absorption of cement stone is established experimentally. Bacteria increases water absorption by 7 %, black mold increases water absorption by 10 %. Within 6 months, water absorption increased from 21 to 24,5 % for bacterial corrosion in indoor conditions, and from 24 to 29 % for fungal corrosion. When exposed to capillary moisture for 6 months, the water absorption of concrete increased to 30,4 % under the influence of Bacillus subtilis bacteria and to 37,3% under the influence of Aspergillus niger van Tieghem fungi. An increase in the water absorption of concrete is associated with an increase in porosity due to biodegradation. Under room conditions of exposure to bacteria, the porosity increases from 14,1 to 15,3 %, and from 14,3 to 17,9 % after exposure to black mold. With constant moistening, the porosity of cement concrete increases to 19,1 and 25,6 % with bacterial and fungal corrosion, respectively. The loss of compressive strength of cement stone is 13 % under the influence of bacteria and 15 % under the influence of fungi in the air for 6 months. In case of microbiological corrosion of concrete under conditions of constant wetting, the strength decreases by about 35 % in 6 months
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