injection parameters, a -2.4~~ pulse of H- is injected into the AGS and the resulting bunch of protons is observed with a PUE for approximately 40 turns around the machine. A schematic diagram of the PUE and associated electronics is shown in Fig. 1. The PUE consists of four plates and is located approximately one superperiod downstream of the injection region. As the proton bunch circles around the machine it produces in each plate a train of some 40 pulses, each pulse corresponding to the passage of the bunch through the PUE on a given turn. The signals from the upper and lower plates yield the vertical displacement of the bunch with respect to the beam pipe center, while the signals from the inner and outer plates yield the horizontal (radial) displacement. Since the period of revolution for a proton in the AGS is -4.8 ps at injection (200 MeV), a 2.4 us wide bunch of protons will produce in each plate pulses which are -2.4 ps wide and are separated from each other by -2.4 us. The pulse trains from the four plates are amplified (unity voltage gain) in the AGS ring, transmitted 1700 feet on coaxial cables, voltage amplified x10 and then digitized using LeCroy (liTR8837F) digitizers which sample the signals every 250 ns. The digitized data are analyzed with appropriate software to determine the amplitude of each pulse. If we let Anand B respectively be the amplitudes of the pulses from ;he upper and lower plates or from the outer and inner plates of the PUE on the nth
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