Let G and A be finite groups and suppose that A acts on G by automorphisms. Then A induces a permutation action on the set Irr(G) of irreducible characters of G. For x E Irr(G) and a E A, the character xa is defined by x”(g”) = x(g) for g E G. We let Irr,(G) = (x E Irr(G) 1 xa = x for all a E A). Assume further that (/ G /, 1 A 1) = 1. Then there is a “natural” one-to-one and onto map m(G, A): Irr,(G) + Irr(C,(A)). By “natural”, we mean that r(G, A) is completely determined by the action of A on G and is thus independent of any choices made in an algorithm used to compute the map. Since (I G 1, 1 A 1) = 1, the Odd-Order Th eorem implies that either A is solvable or / G / is odd. G. Glauberman [S] developed the correspondence for the case where A is solvable, and I. M. Isaacs [7] developed the correspondence when / G 1 is odd. The author [9] showed that the Glauberman correspondence and the Isaacs correspondence are equal when both are defined. We note E. C. Dade ([l], [2], and [3]), via his theory of Clifford systems, has done work inclusive of that of Isaacs [7]. We will follow Tsaacs methods. Let B < A. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between rr(G, A) and m(G, B). If B is subnormal in A, then much information is known about the relationship between m(G, A) and rr(G, B) (see Theorem 2.1(c)). Suppose B < A and C,(A) = C,(B). rt is then an easy consequence of the correspondence that Irr,(G) = Irr,(G). Th e main result of this paper will be to show that rr(G, A) = r(G, B) if G is solvable. The solvability of G is used heavily as we look at characters afforded A by chief sections of G. The more general question is unknown. In the event that G has odd order, we obtain a stronger result. For B < A, we have that C,(A) < C,(B). If / G 1 is odd and x E Irr,(G), then Theorem 2.14 shows that xm(G, A) is an irreducible constituent of the restriction of xrr(G, B) to C,(A). It is not known if this result holds when G is solvable of even order. All groups considered are finite.
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