Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation, SV-PWM, is an efficient technique for dc to ac voltage conversion through an inverter of power electronics devices. This paper presents a proposed memorized approach for SV-PWM implementation. The work bases on storing six symmetric pattern formats of space vector in a memory structure. Then, sequential fetching of the stored data provides basic optimum firing triggers TRA, TRB and TRC for driving the inverter switching elements. Main contribution of the paper is controlling the inverter output frequency online through adjusting the fetching period. Moreover, the presented approach characterizes by simplicity, cost effective and activity in achieving the space vector technique. Validity of the proposed method was practically examined through a hardware built workbench, which based on the microcontroller ATMEGA 2560. Meanwhile, the optimum firing sequences were exported to a MATLAB algorithm to check the harmonics, which are expected to accompany the inverter output ac power.
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