s / Placenta 34 (2013) A1–A99 A13 P1.5. VASCULAR NETWORK FEATURES, SEPARATE FROM ANASTOMOTIC COMMUNICATIONS, ACCOUNT FOR BIRTHWEIGHT DISCORDANCE IN MONOCHORIONIC PLACENTAS Moni Kaneti , Enrico LoPriore , Nadav Schwartz , Dawn Misra , Carolyn Salafia 1,2 1 Placental Analytics LLC, Larchmont, NY, USA; 2 Institute for Basic Research, Staten Island, NY, USA; 3 Leiden University Hospital, Leiden, The Netherlands; University of Pennsylvania SChool of Medicine, Philadelphia PA, USA; Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA Goal: The goal of this study was to determine how circulatory anastomoses, structural features of features of the chorionic vascular networks, and umbilical cord inserted were correlated with differences between birth weights, and discordant weights (BWD) in monochorionic (MO) twins. Methods: De-identified images of 44 MO twin placentas with TTTS mild enough to not require laser ablation surgery in utero were traced to detail the arterial (A) and venous (V) networks for 45 pairs of MO twins. A traced placenta yields four images, one of each twin's A and V networks. Vessels 20% and 12 (27% with BWD>25%. All but 7(16%) twins had identifiable anastomoses connecting the two circulations. 32 (71%) had at least one AA anastomoses, while 26 (59%) had AV anastomoses. 8 (18%) had VV anastomoses. AA and VV anastomoses were uncorrelated with BWD. While the presence of any AV anastomoses (v. no AV anastomoses) was uncorrelated with BWD, increasing # AV anastomoses >1 VA anastomosis increased BWD 4.1% (p1⁄40.01) Network structures of larger and smaller twins differed significantly and accounted for 11% of BWD. Umbilical cord insertion site was not correlated in either twin with type or # of anastomoses (each p>0.10, data not shown). Abnormal cord insertions (coded normal, marginal and velamentous) was associated with more sparse surface vessels only in the smaller twin, (data not shown) and remained significant after controlling for the arterial branching density and # of AV anastomoses. Conclusion: Many features of the vascular networks, and particularly arterial networks, were strongly correlated with BWD, including Ă differences in total vascular surface area, branch generations and total number of branch points. Such differences in vascular network structures provide insight into the pathophysiology that can result in drastic differences in fetal development in MO twins. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.placenta.2013.06.042 P1.6. PLACENTAL TERMINALVILLI COMPLEXITY IN CASES OF AUTISM/AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) AND THEIR MATCHED CONTROLS Carolyn Salafia , George Merz , Craig Platt 3 1 Institute for Basic Research, Staten Island, NY, USA; 2 Placental Analytics LLC, Larchmont, NY, USA; University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust,
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