In celestial holography, the massive and massless scalars in 4d space-time are represented by the Fourier transform of the bulk-to-boundary propagators and the Mellin transform of plane waves respectively. Recently, the 3pt celestial amplitude of one massive scalar and two massless scalars was discussed in arXiv:2312.08597. In this paper, we compute the 3pt celestial amplitude of two massive scalars and one massless scalar. Then we take the massless limit m→0 for one of the massive scalars, during which process the gamma function Γ(1-Δ) appears. By requiring the resulting amplitude to be well-defined, that is it goes to the 3pt amplitude of arXiv:2312.08597, the scaling dimension of this massive scalar has to be conformally soft Δ→1. The pole 1/(1-Δ) coming from Γ(1-Δ) is crucial for this massless limit. Without it the resulting amplitude would be zero. This can be compared with the conformal soft limit in celestial gluon amplitudes, where a singularity 1/(Δ-1) arises and the leading contribution comes from the soft energy ω→0. The phase factors in the massless limit of massive conformal primary wave functions, discussed in arXiv:1705.01027, plays an import and consistent role in the celestial massive amplitudes. Furthermore, the subleading orders m2n can also contribute poles when the scaling dimension is analytically continued to Δ=1-n or Δ=2, and we find that this consistent massless limit only exists for dimensions belonging to the generalized conformal primary operators Δ∈2-Z⩾0 of massless bosons.
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