
The culture and conflicts have always been intertwined throughout the history of humanity. During armed conflicts, deliberate targeting of cultural heritage sites takes place. The aggressor's goal is not only the occupation of lands but also the imposition of a different ideology and the erasure of historical memory. As cultural heritage is a component of cultural identity, it can also be directly attacked for ideological reasons, as we can observe in Ukraine. Disrespect for another's cultural space manifests itself in the deliberate destruction of historical structures and monuments, the theft of artworks, the burning of archives and libraries, and the destruction of architectural and urban spaces. The preservation of cultural heritage in the context of armed conflicts is one of the most challenging tasks within the spectrum of global conservation efforts. The inadequacy or absence of preventive measures in accordance with the 1954 UNESCO Convention is a significant obstacle to the effective preservation of cultural heritage during times of war. Now it is essential to study global experiences in preserving cultural treasures in situations of armed conflicts to find ways to address the conservation challenge, Redefining and emphasizing national and local cultural identity, as well as reflecting memory in restoration projects in Ukraine. The aim of the article is to analyze global experiences in post-conflict cultural heritage restoration and propose principles for preserving cultural identity during the reconstruction phase in Ukraine after the war. During the heritage restoration phase in Ukraine, within the framework of urban restoration projects (revalorization, regeneration), it is crucial to focus on experiences from situations of armed conflicts. More attention should be given to post-conflict memory in restoration projects. Based on the analysis of literary sources and field studies, we propose five principles that can be applied during the post-conflict reconstruction phase: "Immortalization of Memory", "Global Identification", "Documentary Representation", "Museification, Symbolic Marking", "Interpretation". Among international projects and implementations, there are various approaches, including those with opposing views on the preservation of cultural identity, which align with the proposed principles of іmmortalization of memory and global identification.

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