
Some Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects in secondary schools or high schools, such as biology, physics, or mathematics are considered tough to students. It is due to the lack of tools to visualise details or effects in the learning process, with traditional learning materials of textbooks, blackboards, and static models. The classroom education is evolving with the technology advancements. Development works in three-dimensional (3D) graphics rendering, virtual and augmented reality (VAR) have been reported to provide interactive visualisations for classroom education. Teaching of the subject of biology is one of such examples in the classroom education which could benefit to the emerging technologies with different types of supportive tools. This project is developed to apply virtual and augmented reality technology-enhanced learning (VARTEL) in biology education of secondary schools. Pilot study has been performed with the collaborating secondary schools. The VARTEL technologies developed in the research project can be rolled out to more mainstream schools in Singapore and other countries.

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