
The education of a person of culture is an urgent social problem: its decisions will help to respond to the key challenges of the present and successfully overcome them, will allow humanity to look confidently in the future. The scale of this problem requires the use of an multidisciplinary approach in its study, the cooperation of specialists from different fields: teachers, philosophers, cultural scientists, linguists.
 The formation of children's image of a person of culture will be facilitated by appealing to the figures of world and national education, science and art, which themselves are or were the expressions of this image. The object of our interest was the verbal representatives of the image of a person of culture, in particular his axiological aspect, in the works by V. Sukhomlynsky for children.
 The research used general scientific (analysis, comparison, observation) and the actual linguistic methods (descriptive method and its main methods - inventory and systematization of linguistic units, linguogenetic method - reception of cultural-historical interpretation) methods, as well as elements of the statistical method. The content of the concept "image of a person of culture " which we propose to consider as a general, the perfect aggregate conception of a person as a positive, active, thinking, harmonic person, having a developed cultural component, constantly striving for self-development and self-improvement.
 The names of the persons and their attributes are described in various ways; analyzed phraseologisms, synonyms, antonyms, comparison, emotionally colored vocabulary - which in the complex represent the value aspect of the image of a person of culture and contribute to the formation of moral and ethical convictions, spirituality rise of young readers. Proved why the image of human culture should be one of the key benchmarks, philosophical and axiological level in the formation and education of personality. In general V. Sukhomlynsky's works which fully represented the image of a person of culture can become a matrix for modern society, a system of coordinates that will help to educate, on the one hand, the beautiful representative of any nation, on the other – a citizen of the world.

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