
Satisfaction with life is an often used term, and after the sixties many researchers have published many scientific works and papers on this theme.The available literature deals with measurement and defines satisfaction with life in the larger context of subjective well-being. This concept includes: 1. satisfaction with life, as a cognitive component, 2. positive, and 3. negative affects, as affective components. There are also some disagreements about the effects of age on satisfaction with life.The investigation covered 228 subjects. Heedful of Levinson's theoretical insight about life transitions, the subjects were sorted into three groups: a group of students, a group of middle aged people, and a group of older people. The aspects of satisfaction with life were measured on the scales originally used for assessment of subjective well being.The results of comparing these three groups of subjects show that the group of students and the group of older people differ from the third group only in the number of subjectively expressed somatic complaints. Students and older people have more somatic complaints titan the group of middle aged people. In the other aspects of subjective well-being there are no differences among the three age groups.Generally speaking, results indicate that títere are no differences among the three age groups in regard to the main aspects of subjective well-being and that the scales used are reliable for further use on a sample of Croatian subjects.


  • Iako su skale pokazale vrlo sličnu faktorsku strukturu na različitim uzorcima budući da su za vrijeme obrade svi ispitanici bili promatrani kao jedan jedinstveni uzorak, bilo je opravdano provjeriti razlikuju li se ispitanici iz triju poduzoraka na osnovi svojih rezultata postignutih na primijenjenim skalama

  • Nadalje je za pretpostaviti kako se kod starijih ispitanika, također, uslijed djelovanja različitih stresova a vjerojatno i uslijed posljedica starenja nalaze vrlo razvijene somatske teškoće, te oni, štoviše, i svoje zdravlje procje­ njuju subjektivno slabijim u odnosu na studente (t= -4.97, df=158, p< .00) i u odnosu na ispitanike srednje životne dobi (t=-3.86, df=134, pc.OO)

  • Results indicate that títere are no differences among the three age groups in regard to the main aspects of subjective well-being and that the scales used are reliable for further use on a sample of Croatian subjects

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VDKJUDC: 159.9.07:159.922:159.942 Izvorni znanstveni članak Original scientific paper. Autori uglavnom promatraju zadovoljstvo životom kao sastavni dio šireg koncepta subjektivnog well-beinga. (1991, prema Lucas i sur., 1996) definiraju zadovoljstvo životom kao "globalnu evaluaciju neke osobe o svom životu". Horley i Lavery (1995) primijenili su nekoliko skala subjektivnog vvellbeinga na uzorak od 1321 ispitanika u dobi između 14 i 95 godina. Rezultati koje su dobili Horley i Lavery (1995) ukazuju kako od ovog razdoblja započinje rast zadovoljstva, što autori pokušavaju objasniti upravo dobrom financijskom i socijalnom situiranošću pojedinaca. Moguće je, uslijed svega navedenog, očekivati da će ova životna razdoblja imati utjecaja na zadovoljstvo životom, te se kao ciljevi ovoga istraživanja mogu navesti pokušaji provjere različitih mjera zadovoljstva životom i utjecaja životne dobi na različite aspekte zadovoljstva životom.

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