
This article was triggered by the plan of the Government of Indonesia, especially the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, which will establish a carbon tax on several sectors, especially the power generation and industrial sectors. This article tries to describe the urgency of the plan to set a carbon tax in Indonesia which will take effect in 2022 using an Islamic economic perspective. Carbon tax or carbon tax needs to be studied in depth from various perspectives so that in its implementation it will reach a point of justice that aims at the benefit of society. Islam as a religion that is rahmatan lil 'alamin contains values that can be used as a benchmark in answering the problems of human life. Islam in relation to Islamic Economics is expected to be able to answer the problem of the environmental crisis which has become a global issue and can answer its relation to the establishment of a carbon tax in Indonesia as an effort to protect the environment as well as an effort to receive state revenue for the benefit of society.

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