
OZET Bu arastirmada, orta ogretim cografya mufredat programi incelenmis, programdaki sorunlar ve cozum yollari ortaya konulmaya calisilmistir. Bu amaca yonelik olarak Istanbul'daki cesitli liselerde gorev yapmakta olan cografya ogretmenlerine bir anket uygulanmis ve elde edilen sonuclar ile mevcut cografya mufredat programi karsilastirilmistir. Ayrica cografya ogretmenlerinin orta ogretimde uygulanmasini istedikleri ders programi hakkinda bilgilere de yer verilmistir. Halen uygulanmakta olan ders programi ile bazi konularda onemli farkliliklar arzeden bu program, orta ogretimde gorevli cografya ogretmenlerinin goruslerini yansitmasi acisindan onemlidir. ABSTRACT In this study secondary geography education programme was analized and featured the solution of this matters. Therefore, it has been prepared a survey for the geography teachers who are teaching in the secondary schools around Istanbul. The result was compared with the existing geography educational details. Besides, some advice and opinions were mentioned which were offered by the geography teachers in the secondary education programs. So that, the existing geography educational programme is consisting some different whit the advice v/hich were given by the geography teachers. Nevertheless, this programme is very important because of having the ideas of the geography teachers.

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