
Family welfare in West Sumatra has begun to falter due to the coronavirus (Covid-19) with the reduction of workers, resulting in a decrease in family income. Not a few families experience limitations and powerlessness in meeting basic needs, this makes people look for solutions by staying at home but still being able to meet family needs. The training on processing household waste into eco-enzymes based on eco-community is carried out as one solution to the problems faced by the community, which aims to make household waste that has been thrown away into eco-enzymes as a liquid (a million benefits) based on eco-community so that waste can be used and even economically valuable so that it becomes family income and city problems can also be resolved. The training for productive age housewives who do not work to utilize household waste into eco-enzymes that are of the sale value and can be used at home as a multi-purpose liquid and to develop the life skills of housewives so that they can take advantage of their free time and can help the husband in meeting the economic needs of the family. This training has an impact in 1) increasing family income despite working from home; 2) being able to take advantage of the free time of housewives by the skill of processing waste; 3) the formation of an eco-community as a society that cares about the environment and makes waste with economic value; 4) reduce waste as a problem in the city of Padang.


  • Welfare in West Sumatra has begun to falter due to the coronavirus (Covid-19) with the reduction of workers, resulting in a decrease in family income

  • The training on processing household waste into eco-enzymes based on eco-community is carried out as one solution to the problems faced by the community, which aims to make household waste that has been thrown away into eco-enzymes as a liquid based on eco-community so that waste can be used and even economically valuable so that it becomes family income and city problems can be resolved

  • The training for productive age housewives who do not work to utilize household waste into eco-enzymes that are of the sale value and can be used at home as a multi-purpose liquid and to develop the life skills of housewives so that they can take advantage of their free time and can help the husband in meeting the economic needs of the family

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Analisis Situasi

Pandemik Covid-19 memberikan dampak yang sangat memprihatinkan bagi keberlangsungan hidup masyarakat. Hal ini sesuai dengan temuan (Kertapati, 2019) dan (Puspitawati, 2015), bahwa suatu keluarga dikatakan mampu memenuhi kebutuhanya, apabila keluarga itu dapat berperanan secara optimal dalam mewujudkan seluruh potensi anggota-anggotanya. Selanjutnya dengan kondisi yang terjadi seperti sekarang ini membuat keluarga tetap memaksimalkan fungsinya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga, apalagi dengan munculnya kebijakan pemerintah untuk melalukan segala aktivitas dari rumah termasuk bekerja, maka hal ini membuat keluarga tetap mempertahankan agar bisa tetap memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga. Beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan keluarga dalam mempertahankan agar tetap memenuhi kebutuhan di masa pandemik covid-19 adalah memberikan pelatihan bagi ibu-ibu rumah tangga sehingga dapat memanfaatkan waktu luang dan dapat membantu suami dalam memenuhi kebutuhan perekonomian keluarga serta meningkatkan produktivitasnya (Shen dan Dary 2006). Berdasarkan analisis situasi yang dikemukakan maka solusi dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan kepada ibu-ibu rumah tangga usia produktif yang tidak bekerja untuk memanfaatkan sampah rumah tangga menjadi eco enzim yang bernilai jual dan dapat dimanfaatkan di dalam keluarga sebagai cairan serba guna seperti disenfektan, sabun cuci

Permasalahan Mitra
Solusi dan Targer Luaran
Metode Pelaksanaan
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