
Halal tourism is one of the programs that have been launched by the Sumatra Provincial Government to attract international and domestic tourists since 2016. But until now there has not been any concrete efforts made by the Padang city government in realizing halal tourism in the city of Padang. This study aims to explain the role carried out by the West Sumatra Province Tourism Office in realizing halal tourism in West Sumatra, especially in the city of Padang, which is the capital of the province of West Sumatra, as well as knowing how the obstacles that occur when applying in realizing halal tourism in the city of Padang. This research uses qualitative research type by using descriptive method which is done by purposive sampling. Data collection techniques were carried out with interviews and documentation studies, with informants from several employees of the West Sumatra Province Tourism Office and several stakeholders related to the development of halal tourism in the city of Padang. The role and effort undertaken by the West Sumatra Province Tourism Office is still in the form of providing halal certification to restaurants and restaurants in the city of Padang. The absence of regulations governing halal tourism for regions and regencies in West Sumatra has caused the slow development of halal tourism.


  • Sumber Daya Alam yang indah dan kaya seperti pegunungan, danau Maninjau, Singkarak, danau diatas dan dibawah, pantai Mandeh, pantai Bungsu, dan Muaro Padang, serta beberapa pulau yang menghiasi geografis Indonesia

  • This study aims to explain the role carried out by the West Sumatra Province Tourism Office in realizing halal tourism in West Sumatra, especially in the city of Padang, which is the capital of the province of West Sumatra, as well as knowing how the obstacles that occur when applying in realizing halal tourism in the city of Padang

  • Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Barat Nomor 3 Tahun 2014 Tentang Rencana Induk Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Provinsi Sumatera Barat Tahun 20142025

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PENDAHULUAN Provinsi Sumatera Barat memiliki

Sumber Daya Alam yang indah dan kaya seperti pegunungan, danau Maninjau, Singkarak, danau diatas dan dibawah, pantai Mandeh, pantai Bungsu, dan Muaro Padang, serta beberapa pulau yang menghiasi geografis Indonesia. Pariwisata Halal di Sumatera Barat memiliki konsep pengembangan pariwisata dengan prinsip muslim friendly, artinya para pelaku wisata memberikan jaminan kepada wisatawan muslim bahwa mereka mendapatkan pelayanan yang sesuai dengan syariat agama tanpa mengenyampingkan wisatawan konvensional lainnya yang sudah menjadi pasar sebelumnya. Indikator yang menjadi acuan seperti tersedianya produk makanan halal dengan adanya logo atau sertifikat halal pada rumah makan dan restoran hotel, tersedianya Mushola atau Masjid yang memudahkan wisatawan muslim untuk beribadah, dan terbebasnya obyek wisata dari minuman beralkhol, kemaksiatan, serta kriminalitas lainnya demi menjamin kenyamanan wisatawan baik muslim maupun non muslim.

Faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam mewujudkan wisata halal di Kota Padang
PENUTUP Peran Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi
Pengembangan Destinasi Pariwisata
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