INTRODUCTION:Indonesia is situated on the three major straights of different world those are Eurasian tectonic straight, Iindo-Australian tectonic, and pasific straight affected Indonesia as a territory of troubled natural disaster especially earthquake, tsunamy and volcanic erruption (Sutikno in Napsiah, 2015:6). In connected with them that one of such situated city is Padang, West Sumatra. The earthquake happened in September 30, 2009 at 7.6 richter scale quaked West Sumatra Province. The greatest demage affected by earthquake was in 13 of 19 regencies/cities and stroke victims more than 1.100 people. The affected region of the most serious demage were Padang City, Pariaman, and Padang Pariaman Regency. The demage and disavdvantage in West Sumatra was approximately 21.6 quintillions or equivalently US$ 2.3 billions (Danhas 2011). Accordingly, the government of Padang City began paying attention to the earthquake disaster probabilities occuring in the next time because of regional condition at the troubled disaster.Besides, the experts research explained that Padang City and West Sumatra generally have high risk towards threat of earthquake with 8,9 richter scale. The potency is at the matching Euroasian straight and Indo-Australia, exactly in Mentawi archipelago. Strong assesment, the earthquake will result in great enough tsunamy wave that can destroy Padang City, such as tsunamy happened in Nangro Aceh Darussalam in the last 2004. Meanwhile, an expert of the earthquake of Indonesian Institute of Science (IIS) Danny Hilman thought that the great threating eaerthquake in the west Sumatra is increasingly nea.. This matter concerning with ongoing the great earthquake potency that isn't free from Mentawai segment. This segment stored the earthquake potency with 30 times over energy greater compared with earthquake in Padang last years. The great earthquake in (subduksi zone) Mentawai is always again and again goes along yearly cycle. The research result showed that the period of great earthquakes in that region ended in 1797 and 1833. While the 2007 earthquake in Mentawai region only lost three quarter of energy amount of accumulated tectonic pressure. The earthquake predicted resulting in tsunamy wave that swept the area in the West Sumatra beach at 5 kilometers circle from the beach edge. Padang is one of the threated city struck by tsunamy impact (vivanews.co.id, 2015).Accordingly, to avoid the worst probability that is going tobe caused by disaster so the thing todo for Padang City Government is to implement the policy of managing disaster based disaster mitigation, where mitigation (the efforts of reducing disaster impact). Mitigational action can be in specific programming type. This is tobe embodied in order that when the disaster occurs, this program can reduce the people victims and demages. There are two approches to do for Padang City in such mitigational policy, Structural Mitigation (building chekdam, river embankment, barrage, shelter, EWS, map, ect.) and Non Structural Mitigation (making regulation, lay -out, training, socialization (including spiritual mitigation). (BPBDPK Kota Padang, 2015).DISASTER MANAGEMENT:According to UNISDR (2009) that the definition of disaster is trouble towards people or community that caused occuring disadvantage and impacting spirit passing away, economy, and environment broadly, that excesses the impacted people abilities to face it by using their own resources.In many disasterous occuranes, the role that government does in terms of public policy and public administration to manage disaster is very important and great. There are various important paradigm changes tobe noticed in reducing disasterous risk (Pujiono, 2007).1. From emergency respond tobe disaster management : disaster management can not focus only on emergency management anymore (emergency respond) when the disaster has occured, except more to reducing the overall disasterous risk of the risk observation, prevention, mitigation, readiness, respond, rehabilitational restoration and reconstruction. …
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