
Abstract Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-East and -West window channel radiances are directly assimilated using a 1D variational technique, providing surface skin temperature (Ts) estimates over all surface types (land, water, or ice) from a unique system. This is an important advantage over commonly used regression methods, such as split window. The physical nature of the method allows any combination of channels to be used, and adaptation to new sensors is straightforward. A full month (May 2001) of GOES-8 and -10 data is processed every 6 h; Ts estimates are obtained using radiances from imager channels 4 (11 μm) and 5 (12 μm). Imager channel 2 (3.9 μm) can also be used at night. Surface emissivity maps were constructed from available information based on surface type. The diurnal cycle is studied; its range is on the order of 0.7 K over the ocean. Over land, the diurnal range reaches 30 K for mountainous regions, such as the Rockies or Andes. A full GOES disk image can be proc...

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