
Transition from fossil/nuclear towards renewable energy supply can be achieved in three phases: firstly, variable renewable electricity (VRE) can be fed into the electricity grid just as available, while its fluctuations are balanced by thermal power plants fired by fossil fuels. Secondly, after achieving grid saturation with VRE, the residual load gaps must be covered and grid stability must be secured by highly flexible thermal power stations that generate dispatchable renewable electricity (DRE) without using fossil fuels. Thermal Storage Power Plants (TSPP) that integrate solar- and bioenergy are proposed for that purpose. Finally, in the third phase, renewable power supply can be extended to other sectors via power-to-X technologies, reducing fossil fuel consumption for transport, heat and industrial purposes. The phases of energy transition are described in the frame of a model scenario of the German electricity sector with TSPP as central element for the realization of Phase 2.

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