
As world enter the twenty-first century, USA have an unprecedented opportunity to make its nation safer and more prosperous. Nevertheless, today America faces a world of rising nationalism, receding democracy, growing rivalry with China, Russia and a technological revolution that is reshaping every aspect of lives. Created situation requires a new and broader understanding of national security, one that recognizes its strength and vitality at home. America lead with diplomacy and renew commitment to global development and international cooperation, while also making smart, disciplined investments in national defense. USA make effort to modernize national security institutions and processes, while ensuring to take advantage of the full diversity of talents required to address existing complex challenges. Building upon America’s unmatched strengths, the main national security’s architecture objectives are to enhance security with effective diplomacy and with military forces that are ready to fight and win, to bolster America’s economic prosperity and to promote democracy abroad. Achieving these objectives, USA remains engaged abroad and work with partners, to promote peace and prosperity. America’s leadership is used to harness global forces of integration, reshape existing security, economic and political structures necessary for its interests and values to thrive.

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