
Science is an important fixture in the human experience, and it has emerged from the shrouds of magic and fallacies. Science is now how humans come to understand the world around them. It is also the basis for the evolution and technological advancement of today's society. There are two major schools of thought in science: the inductive and the deductive (Wills, 2022). The latter has received wider acceptance and governs the experimentation (Wang et al., 2020). However, this process is marred by scientific misconduct when some researchers do not adhere to the rules of science for a variety of reasons (Lee, 2016). This threatens to compromise the integrity of our technological status and might even lead to catastrophic consequences. Examples include the fraudulent study on the cancer-fighting properties of plants published by Dr. M.D. Anderson (Ackerman, 2012) and Joachim Boldt published studies indicating that colloids are safe to use contrary to previous studies (Blake, 2011). It is therefore imperative to recognize these instances of misconduct and uproot them from the scientific community. The article is a review that looks into the articles dealing with scientific misconduct to develop an overview of the subject at hand. These incidents can be detrimental to the health and well-being of human beings. It can hinder progress as well as cause untold harm by the re-emergence of diseases that have already been conquered. It is recommended that we foster a culture of scientific integrity where everyone is aware of the importance of this issue. Moreover, journals can be more diligent in their reviews and reliant on peer reviews.

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