
This is the 21st meeting of the scientific, peer-reviewed presentation section of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) Educational Conference, now a part of the ACC–Research Agenda Conference (ACC-RAC). This conference has grown substantially since its humble beginnings in 1994. The theme of this year's conference is “Aiming for effective change: Leadership in chiropractic education, research, and clinical practice,” which is very fitting. If the true essence of leadership is to implement effective change, then in my observation over the past 2 decades, I can say that we have done much as it relates to education and research in the chiropractic profession. For leaders to be successful, they must (1) establish direction and vision, (2) communicate goals, and (3) develop coalitions and alliances. The ACC Peer-Review Committee continues to establish direction and vision for scientific presentations, communicate these goals, and develop alliances in order to improve the current state of science and scholarship through the scholarly art of peer review. We are pleased that each year we observe the quality of presentations improve and exceed the quality of the previous year. We are honored to be a part of the quality improvement of scholarship in the chiropractic profession. The purpose of this summary report is to provide a brief review of the peer-review processes for the ACC-RAC 2014.

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