
This article analyzes the Vosylius’ Sesemanns’s concept of artistic truth and aesthetic reality. The article states that Sesemann distinguishes between formal and material truth of art in order to reveal the identities of artistic events. Sesemann describes aesthetic reality through the terms of neutralization and derealization. These terms are used to describe aesthetic reality in Husserl’s, Hartmann’s and Ortega y Gasset’s philosophy as well. In the article Sezemann’s concept of artistic creativity is also compared with Merleau - Ponty’s institution’s concept and marks that a work of art has to be understood not as a finished creation, but as a creative act, which implicates the possibility of repetition. Keywords: phenomenology, neutralization, aesthetics, aesthetic reality, truth of art, institution. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15823/zz.2014.026

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