
The special military operation in Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, made the subject of ideological education of Russian youth and the country’s population as a whole actual and inevitable. This event clearly showed that a large gap has appeared in the ideological education and patriotic upbringing of the Russian population. It is impossible to fill that gap without having the appropriate tools and mechanisms to influence the minds of people, especially young people. Decree of the President of Russia V. V. Putin No. 809 of November 9, 2022 “On approval of the fundamentals of State policy for the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values” is destined to fill the ideological vacuum that had been formed immediately after the liberal democratic revolution in Russia, which took place in the early 90s of the last century. The ideological university course “Bases of Russian Nation-building” should play a special role in solving the problem of the ideological patriotic education of Russian youth. Such basic factors as the global mission of Russia, the historical experience of the nation, the level of development of society and the state, relations with the outside world should be the main ones during developing the ideological course.

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