
An important condition of the effective process of professional personal development is professional self-consciousness. It manifests in various forms related to the cognitive, emotional and volitional aspects of human mental activity.The educating process of professional self-consciousness is complicated and controversial. It involves many factors, the action of which can often lead to opposite consequences.The purpose of the article is a theoretical analysis of the structural components of professional self-consciousness, definition of the formational stages and evaluation criteria.Professional self-consciousness is a complex mental formation of a person, which is self-awareness of involvement in the profession, encourages professional self-realization and orients the person to active work in the professional field.We can distinguish three stages of professional self-consciousness formation: the stage of early professional self-consciousness that develops during the game (childhood), adolescent professional self-consciousness, characterized by prioritization in choosing future profession (middle and senior school age) and the stage of mature professional self-consciousness (university period, professional activity).The formation of professional self-consciousness at these stages is quite conditional because not every child has professional preferences. Every person following appropriate work can simultaneously form traits that reflect the characteristics of different stages of professional self-consciousness.We can distinguish three main criteria of different levels of professional students self-consciousness: cognitive, motivational-valued and activity-practical, which reveals the presence or absence of certain features that characterize professional self-consciousness.These criteria for assessing the levels of professional self-consciousness make possibility to establish the degree of presence of certain personality traits that are indicators of professional self-consciousness of each phenomenon component: a personʼs attitude to the profession, attitude to himself as a subject, to colleagues, to the object of labour.
 Keywords: self-consciousness; professional self-consciousness; structural components; formation system; stages of formation; self-awareness; evaluation criteria; levels of development; performance indicators.

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