
In the article we’ve shown that the professional development of the person takes place through qualitative changes that facilitate the emergence of a completely new level of its integrity. The latter involves qualitative changes in the characteristics of the person, the transformation personal characteristics which have already been formed, fairly consistent guidelines, values ​​orientations, motives of behavior under the influence of constantly changing social relations. Also, the professional development of the person is carried out as a result of restructuring its orientation. At the same time, the professional orientation of the person is the result of a contradictory combination of socialization, that is emphasized on the mastery of a person with socially significant experience and culture and provide individualization (the process of the development of intelligence, will, aesthetic taste, creative abilities of the person, etc.). In the process of professional development of the person occurs the formation of the subject’s integrity. This integrity consists of: 1) subordination of all elements of the structure of the personality, the subject’s orientation, which ensures the continuity, the length of all periods of person’s professional development; 2) to acquire the necessary professionally significant qualities, properties and characteristics.
 We’ve proved that significant features of the professional formation are found in the process of finding the person’s individual ways of performing professional activity, which is accompanied by the formation of individual personally meaningful (including creative experience), professional self-consciousness, a system of professional motives, personal meanings, values ​​and senses. The analysis of scientific researches, which in one way or another one deals with the problem of professional formation, shows the unity of researchers’ opinions that professional formation is a dynamic process of transformation (or restructuring) personal and professional qualities, characterized by self-determination, self-improvement, self-education, self-actualization, self-realization, actually shaping one’s consciousness. Thus, professional development can be showed as a long process of mastering the profession.
 Thus, the analysis of the scientific literature indicates that the process of professional formation can be represented in two ways: the scheme of procedural reproduction (as a temporary sequence of stages, periods, parts) and the structure of professional activity (as a set of ways and means of performing professional activity, when their compliance is not a temporary determination, but a targeted presentation and realization). Professional formation is also understood as the development of person’s professional competence, as a process of mastering the means of solving professional problems and tasks, as well as mastering models of making professionally significant decisions.
 We identified the main stages of the professional development of a specialist: a preparatory (pre-university) stage, associated purely with the choice of profession; the initial (university) stage, during which professionally important skills, characteristics and personal traits are formed; the main (postgraduate) stage as a period of the development of personal qualities of the man facilitating his/her full self-realization in the professional activity. At this stage the formation of the professional as a person takes place.
 So, we have to admit that the problem of the development of the person of translator is a dynamic process that constantly unfolds in time and space, proceeds from the moments of formation of professional intentions to full realization of oneself in the process of creative professional activity, the main contradiction of which is the contradiction between unique personality traits and objective requirements of the leading professional activities the significance of which is that it should be led to further development of the person. It was emphasized that by realizing himself/herself in the leading professional activity, the person gradually changed, which led to the restructuring of the motives of his/her leading activity, to the formation of new properties, qualities and characteristics of the person, which are extremely important for professional activity in general.

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