
The article is devoted to the study of the problem of dynamics of development of professional self-consciousness of educators in the process of professional skills improving. To the empirical research were involved 385 individuals — senior students who do not have professional experience; educators who at the time of the study worked on the specialty less than 5 years, from 5 to 10 years or more than 10 years. It was found that the value-semantic component is the most important component in the self-consciousness of specialists of pedagogical profession, regardless of the level of qualification. The cognitive component gaines more weight for educators with 5 to 10 years of experience and more than 10 years of experience. The weight of the evaluative component decreases with the increase of professional experience. Emotional component acquires the greater value for pedagogues with more than 10 years of experience and the least value for educators with up to 5 years of experience. The regulatory component gaines more weight for employees with up to 5 years of experience and undergraduate students. Motivational component has the least importance for the undergraduate students. The volitional aspect of professional self-consciousness gaines the most weight for future educators. Therefore, there are differences in the process of development of all components of educators’ professional self-consciousness with different levels of qualification. Making sense of one’s own professional activity and awareness of oneself as part of professional community is important, regardless of professional experience. With the increase of professional qualification, the role of professional self-esteem and self-acceptance in the activity decreases, but the level of self-understanding in the profession increases. With the increase of skills level, educators pay less attention to the issues of self-control and self-regulation in their professional activities.

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