
This study examines the impact of the development of the information and communication technologies on the social, economic and political systems of the member countries of the united Europe, as well as the countries entering into business and production relations with them. The authors reveal the issues of using the Internet as a tool of the loyal border management of the united countries, ensuring the liberalization of the movement of factors of production through the creation of a single space of freedom, security and justice. The infocommunication technologies are researched as a management mechanism with regard to their influence on modern geopolitical, economic, and specifically industrial processes. The indicated approach is implemented simultaneously both as the management of the content of political relations and the management of their form. The Schengen border management information system is regarded as one of the most striking examples of the information technologies use in the political, economic, and specifically industrial sphere. The structure and legal mechanisms of this system operation are analyzed, on the basis of which the advantages and disadvantages of technological and legal nature are revealed. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the draft laws under development aimed at the improvement of the Schengen information system as an electronic technology for the automated border management of the pan-European space of freedom, security and justice. Among other things the authors have taken into account the latest changes in the legal regulation of the Schengen information system, which took place in October 2018.Taking into account the identified shortcomings in the functioning of the Schengen information system, the recommendations for their elimination are formulated. It is concluded that it is necessary to create a single European information portal in order to optimize the processing of data received from the different agencies. The general trends of the SIS II reform are the simplification and acceleration of the procedures, as well as the strengthening of the personal data protection.

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