
The scientific article is devoted to determining the role of the National Police in ensuring the rights of the child during the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine. The work analyzes and summarizes the existing practice of ensuring children's rights by units of the National Police. The key role of the state in ensuring the rights of the child during martial law is noted. It was emphasized that it is the bodies of juvenile prevention in the conditions of the armed conflict in Ukraine that ensure the basic rights of children and ensure that illegal actions are committed against them, in situations that are mostly atypical in peacetime, and also make efforts to prevent the increase in the number of children in Ukraine, available to deviant behavior. The author singles out the areas of activity of the National Police in ensuring the safety of children in the conditions of martial law: organizing the evacuation of children from occupied, front-line and other territories of Ukraine; forced evacuation of children from territories that are zones of active hostilities; assistance in arranging living conditions for families with children; organization of humanitarian assistance to families with children; preventive work with internally displaced persons whose families have children; providing assistance to children who suffered as a result of the armed conflict, bringing the guilty parties to justice; providing assistance to children who lost their families as a result of the armed conflict; search for missing children; carrying out proceedings on administrative offenses in cases of bullying on the basis of internal displacement of children; application of measures to combat domestic violence against children in families affected by the armed conflict; participation in the implementation of measures for the return of illegally deported children by the Russian Federation from the territory of Ukraine; educational, educational and patriotic work with children. A conclusion was made about the importance of the activities of the National Police units in ensuring the rights of the child during the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine. The interaction of the police with social services and public organizations for the effective protection of children's rights is emphasized.

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