
In Ukraine, there is an urgent need to improve the regulatory and legal framework in the field of management as a prerequisite for stable and planned development of the state and the creation of proper conditions for the functioning of the economy and raising the standard of living. One of the aspects of this is, in particular, the development of legislation related to the activities of economic entities under the conditions of the introduction of a special regime - the regime of martial law. The issue of economic and legal regulation of the organization and the implementation of economic activity by economic entities under the conditions of the implementation of the martial law regime has been studied. An analysis was carried out and a systematic description of the main legislative acts regulating the activities of business entities during the period of martial law was presented. Significant shortcomings and gaps in the legislation of Ukraine on the specified issues are pointed out and possible ways of its improvement are suggested. the study allows us to come to the conclusion that today in Ukraine there is no clear legal framework in the field of legal regulation of economic relations during the period of the restrictive special regime - the martial law regime, which would be fully coordinated and meet the modern requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine, which, in turn, raises a large number of issues during the application of relevant legal norms by business entities, since the current regulatory acts to one degree or another contain contradictions and gaps. Thus, within the framework of this article, an analysis of the current legislation in the sphere of economic relations regulation during the implementation of the restrictive legal regime of martial law was carried out and ways of improving the legal framework were proposed. In particular, the key regulatory acts were analyzed, namely the Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Regime of Martial Law", "On the Transfer, Compulsory Alienation or Expropriation of Property in the Conditions of the Legal Regime of Martial Law or State of Emergency", as well as bylaws that directly regulate economic activity, on their compliance with the norms of the Constitution of Ukraine.

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