
Problem setting. Modern political, economic, and social demands of society pose tasks to the state that require urgent solutions and are of urgent importance for all spheres of life. Therefore, a significant number of studies are focused on solving theoretical and practical issues of legal regulation of social relations during the war and in the conditions of martial law on the territory of Ukraine. Solving issues of the possibility and specifics of citizens’ realization of the right to work are of great importance. Since, during the period of martial law, the norms of labor legislation are not applied in the part of relations regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On the Organization of Labor Relations in the Conditions of Martial Law” (hereinafter the Law). According to the Final Provisions, it is valid for the period of martial law in Ukraine, introduced in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Regime of Martial Law”, and becomes invalid from the moment of termination and cancellation of martial law. During the period of martial law, its norms have an overriding force over the norms of the Code of Labor Laws of Ukraine. The provisions of this Law significantly narrow the rights of workers compared to peacetime. Therefore, the relevance of the toolkit of labor law as a regulator of social relations in the field of labor relations and ways of realizing the right to work by citizens under martial law is increasing. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Analysis of recent research and publications. Such scientists as: T. Gerasimov, T. Glynska, V. Lytvynenko, O. Lukyanchikov, D. Novikov, A. Shvets and others were engaged in the study of the theoretical and practical essence of the chosen topic. In addition, the following scientists paid attention to the legal regulation of labor relations under martial law in Ukraine in their works: V. Andriiv, M. Lukashevich, M. Doronina, N. Yesinov, L. Nikolayeva, D. Shvets, and others. Purpose of research is to investigate labor behavior, which is a complex of individual and group actions and deeds that determine the direction and intensity of a person’s performance of their labor function and factors that negatively affect labor behavior. And also consider the legislation of Ukraine, which concerns the regulation of labor relations during the period of martial law and analyze the changes that took place in the field of labor relations after the declaration of martial law in the state and how they affected the labor behavior of the employee. Article’s main body. A special role in solving this issue is played by the principles, methods and ways of motivating work, which act as a leading organizational and economic tool for managing the work behavior of employees. In this regard, solving both theoretical and practical problems of labor behavior management through the use of new socioeconomic methods of labor motivation, which would make it possible to increase the interest of workers to work productively and effectively in various spheres of the economy, becomes important. Modern labor relations increasingly single out the employee’s behavior as an important characteristic of his labor potential, the quality of which depends on the effectiveness of the team’s work and the survival of the enterprise, institution or organization in an unpredictable economic environment. Therefore, the study of labor behavior as a form of employee activity and the determination of the main factors influencing it is quite relevant in this period of time. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Formation of labor behavior of employees is an actual and complex process that requires a systematic approach. According to the results of the research, it was established that the essence of labor motivation is to develop such a system of incentives that would satisfy all the needs of the employee in the best way and would interest him in achieving better results of his activity. This will help increase labor productivity, increase the income and profits of enterprises, as a result of which the material situation of employees will improve, which is the key to successful motivation to work.

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