
The article examines the problems of human information security as a component of national security. It is noted that the goal of the formation and development of the information society in Ukraine is to improve the quality of life of citizens, ensure the competitiveness of the state, develop the economic, socio-political, cultural and spiritual spheres of society, improve the system of public administration based on the use of information and telecommunication technologies. The developing electronic state enshrines both natural human rights and positive rights that directly establish the rules of behavior in complex informational relations. At the same time, we attach the following meaning to the concept of information rights and freedoms: a set of actions of various subjects in the information sphere, namely in the sphere of searching, receiving, transmitting, conducting and distributing information, using information technologies and ensuring information protection. In view of this, the priority task of ensuring a favorable legal regime of information rights and freedoms should be resolved at the level of national information legislation and contribute to the creation of a full-fledged international regime of such rights. It was emphasized that the concept of "personal information security” is in the same line with such concepts as "security”, "national security”, "information security”. At the same time, the problem of information security of the individual in the conditions of global informatization is becoming more acute every year, putting new tasks before the information society and the legislator every time. Therefore, the concept of security, information security becomes the most important component of national security as a whole. This is primarily due to the fact that the state of achieving information security can be considered as a need not only of the state, but also of other subjects of information relations: citizens, legal entities, as well as technological mechanisms, systems, information and communication technologies - objects information security. It was concluded that one of the primary tasks of the domestic legislator should be the search for effective mechanisms for the protection of informational rights and freedoms. The very existence of the electronic state should enable subjects of information relations to protect their rights and interests. When implementing informational rights and freedoms, it is important to what extent industry legislation corresponds to the realities of social relations in one or another sphere. In the end, information law should strive for such a level of its development, when specific information rights can be judged by the guarantees of their implementation established by industry legislation. However, the lack of due attention on the part of the legislator to the problems of information security of the individual directly restrains the process of development of the information society, does not contribute to the full realization of the interests of the individual in the process of forming the electronic state. That is why one of the measures to ensure the exercise of the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in the information sphere is the maintenance of the necessary level of information security and directly such a component of it as information security of a person. Therefore, the realization of the rights of every person in the information sphere is recognized as one of the components of information security. Therefore, we consider it correct to single out such components of Ukraine's information security as "human information security”.

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