
Purpose. The purpose of the conducted research consists of identification of the context role in updating of the semantic content of phraseological unit. The notion of context is disclosed in the study, the amount of idiomatic context and its three main types are determined. The conclusion is that the structurally compound phraseological units require minimal context whereas elementary simple structures demand the widest. Special attention is paid to comparatives in description of the context role in actualization of phraseological units. Methodology. The study was conducted in synchronous comparative terms on phrasal units material of the French and Russian languages, built on a triad color terms (white, black, red), supplemented as necessary phraseological units of other thematic groups. Materials of the research are the most authoritative dictionaries and literary examples taken from works of French and Russian authors served. The technique applied in the current analysis of language material consists of the complex elements of descriptive, comparative and contrastive methods. Results. Actualization of a phrasal unit takes place in the context background. The implementation of structurally complex phraseological units require minimal context. And on the contrary, the elementary simple structures actualize their content through the widest context, extending over two or more predicative syntagma of the text environment. Principles of actualization are mostly visible in stable comparatives, in which the threefold formula of the classic comparison is not only meaningful, but also is the formal basis of actualization. Practical implications. The results of the current research can be used in practical and theoretical lexicography, as well as in teaching of general and comparative semasiology. The study can help the French language and literature teachers in teaching students of secondary schools and universities, in training programs that involve cultural studies courses and intercultural communication.

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