
The current study aimed to reveal the reality of the application of electronic assessment tools in the educational platform in cycle two schools (5-11) in Al Dakhiliyah Governorate during Corona pandemic from the teachers’ point of view. The study uses the descriptive approach. The study sample consisted of 300 male and female teachers, which constitute 17 % of the community from cycle two schools of Al Dakhiliyah Governorate for the academic year 2021/2022. . A questionnaire was applied, which consists of 27 items and each item is answered on a five-point scale (strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree). The reliability coefficient was calculated according to Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which amounted to 0.901 and that is considered a high value by interpreting the reliability coefficient values. The results of the current study indicated that teachers faced multiple technical difficulties during the application of electronic Assessment, including difficulties related to the step of preparing for electronic assessment tools. Also, difficulties during the application of these tools. In addition to difficulties associated with students such as the difficulty of communicating with them and the difficulty of controlling the issue of cheating during application. In the second part, which talks about the technical challenges (objective in the electronic assessment), the mean values were higher than the value of the theoretical mean, as the results indicated the existence of many technical difficulties when applying the electronic assessment tools. The results show from the mean value that the participants found that the electronic assessment, despite the existence of technical and technical challenges and difficulties, provided many facilities in terms of ease of correction, ease of distribution of electronic assessment tools, and ease of use of various applications in training students in various skills.

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