
The article is devoted to theoretical problems of cultural identity. It is emphasized, that culture forms an individual, contributes to his socialization on the basis of mastering the language, values, norms, customs and traditions of his people. In accordance with the classification generally accepted in historiography, there are about 20 historical and cultural regions in the world, including the Eastern European province. The article provides a brief analysis of the process of formation of the traditional culture of the Eastern European province of Russia, the main carriers of the culture of which are the indigenous peoples of the Russians, Finno-Ugric peoples (Karels, Komi, Mordovians, Udmurts, etc.), Turkic-speaking peoples (Tatars, Chuvashs, Bashkirs) and etc. Russian culture was formed in difficult geographical, climatic and geopolitical conditions. Traditional Russian culture in the process of formation has gone through all stages of evolutionary development. Under the influence of cultural interaction, process of transformation of local and ethnic culture into a national one took place.

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