
The subject of the study is the system of values of the past, represented in traditional Russian culture. The object of the research is the connection of the values of traditional culture with the structure of consciousness of modern Russian youth. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the study of the concept of "traditional culture", the analysis of its content, represented by the phenomenon of national unity, understanding the significance of this phenomenon in the minds of the inhabitants of the country. During the research, special attention was paid to a sociological survey of young people related to the actualization of the cultural, historical, patriotic meaning of the National Unity holiday, the attitude of the younger generation towards it, and the identification of values significant to it. An important role in the presented work is given to the comparative analysis of surveys of residents of the country and students, the characteristic of the basic foundations of the worldview in the structure of consciousness of older and younger generations, the methods that were used during the study are presented by: analysis of sources on the problem of determining the meaning of the concept of "traditional culture"; by the method of a written survey of students; by the method of comparative analysis of responses between data, represented by VTSIOM, and young people on the problem of national unity of society. The scientific novelty of the presented research is characterized by a comparative analysis of abstract sociological research carried out by VTSIOM with the specific results of a survey of young students of the Kostroma State Agricultural Academy. The results of the work show that at the present stage of development of Russian society there is a tendency to blur the clear ideas of the younger generation about the figurative and symbolic meaning of the spiritual and moral values of the people that define traditional culture. The main conclusion of the study is that young people generally do not recognize the value of social unity as an indicator of the integrity of the state, do not know the historical meaning of the National Unity holiday, do not consider traditional values (family, love of the Motherland, brotherhood of peoples) significant in modern reality, using the Internet space for communication, becomes dependent on gadgets which poses a real threat of loss of communication between generations.

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