
All- around events are of the great importance for the versatile physical development. Exercises in the running, the jumping and the throwing contribute to the harmonious development of the athlete. Personal all-arounds, triathlons, quadriathlons, pentathlons, solving the main tasks of general physical development, help in the future to successfully improve in the chosen sport.
 Women's athletics heptathlon is one of the most difficult types of athletics, which requires from athletes a high level of development of physical qualities, specific anthropometric features, psychological stability and the ability to qualitatively realize these potential opportunities in specific and diverse types of athletics exercises. The variety of types of the heptathlon for women requires a high level of physical fitness.
 The purpose of the study: to reveal the peculiarities of the physical training of female heptathletes. To achieve the goal of the research, theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature was used.
 Based on the analysis of scientific and methodical literature, the peculiarities of the physical training of female heptathletes were studied.
 It was found that the heptathlon makes high demands on physical fitness in general, but the achievement of results in the heptathlon is most influenced by a high level of development of speed, strength and endurance.
 It has been established that the complex development of motor qualities will ensure the effectiveness of the training process, when the development of one quality affects the development of another. In particular, a high level of motor skills development will contribute to better mastering the technique of species of the heptathlon.

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