
This scientific paper aims to identify the scientific and intellectual status of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque during the Ottoman rule in the sixteenth century, through delving into the intensified data included in one of the Ottoman sijills of the shari'a court in Jerusalem, namely sijill no. (62) that covers the year 991 AH / 1583-84 AD, since it contains information of high importance pertaining to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. Those documents vary and include the following : 1) The various functions of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, such as endowment watch, religious lessons, sheikhdom, guardianship, serving the Dome of the Rock, notification and call for the prayer at the entrance of the mosque. 2) The endowment lease. 3) Transfer of endowment money. 4) Endowments. 5) Almsgiving. 6) Aljawali. 7) Wakf AlRaba’at (The Quran case). 8) The inheritance of neighbors. It is noteworthy to mention the pioneering role of the Ottoman state through its keenness to finance the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and taking care of its welfare to keep its role in worshiping, holding seminars and religious tourism. The rigorous paper will conclude with results and recommendations reached by the authors. ‎ Key words: The Ottoman Sijills of The Shari'a Court In Jerusalem, The Endowments of The Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, The Royal Raba'a.

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