The peculiarities of ecology of certain types of pests breeding in field crops are highlighted. The indicators of the influence of a complex of factors on development and mass reproduction of insects under modern agricultural systems are generalized. The species composition of insect phytophages in new crops is specified. More than 20 species of pests were identified that severely damaged this crop according to the results of the monitoring of the wheat entomocomplex. The analysis of influence of temperature, air and soil on the trophic links of phytophages and development and survival of their stages was conducted. A close connection between the level of productivity and the stages of organogenesis of plants with separate stages of development of the main species of phytophages was established. The analysis of efficiency of application of modern monitoring of a complex of pests at new systems of protection of winter wheat has been carried out. Cereal flies, aphids and other pests are found are found on wheat. The basic ecological and biological peculiarities of the formation of the entomocomplex of winter wheat are determined. The peculiarity of monitoring and control of harmful insect species on winter wheat crops in the forest-steppe of Ukraine is highlighted. The analysis of the modeling efficiency of the number of harmful and useful insect for resource-saving systems of winter wheat protection is carried out. The peculiarities of biology and ecology of pests of stem and of the root system of winter wheat in the region of research are specified. The peculiarities of the formation of entomocomplexes in agrocenoses vary according to certain parameters, in particular the number of soil and interstitial phytophages, taking into account the radius of their daily displacement. It is relevant to determine the total demand of pests in feeding at the actual population of individuals at different stages of ontogenesis of grain crops for effective crop management. The application of resource saving models of the calculation of phytophage dynamics on cereal crops by hydrothermal coefficient at different periods of development of plants and phytophages in the production, which allows to determine the quantitative changes of a separate entomocomplex in grain crops in time and space. The development and introduction of integrated methods for the control of winter wheat pests according to modern agricultural systems in the forest-steppe of Ukraine, which determines the expected loss of grain in the crop fields becomes important.
The peculiarities of ecology of certain types of pests breeding in field crops are highlighted
The peculiarities of the formation of entomocomplexes in agrocenoses vary according to certain parameters, in particular the number of soil and interstitial phytophages, taking into account the radius of their daily displacement
It is relevant to determine the total demand of pests in feeding at the actual population of individuals at different stages of ontogenesis of grain crops for effective crop management
The development and introduction of integrated methods for the control of winter wheat pests according to modern agricultural systems in the forest-steppe of Ukraine, which determines the expected loss of grain in the crop fields becomes important. Висвітлено особливість моніторингу та контролю шкідливих видів комах на посівах пшениці озимої в Лісостепу України. Проведено аналіз ефективності моделювання чисельності шкідливих і корисних видів комах за ресурсоощадних систем захисту пшениці озимої. За сучасних систем землеробства в Лісостепу України важливого значення набуває розробка і впровадження у виробництво комплексних методів щодо контролю шкідників пшениці озимої, що визначає очікувані втрати зерна на полях сівозміни. Особливого значення набувають високоефективні технології, що спрямовані на вдосконалення прийомів щодо контролю комплексу шкідників на посівах пшениці озимої за основними етапами органогенезу культури, зокрема, шкідливих видів внутрішньостеблових фітофагів та інших організмів, що пошкоджують пшеницю озиму.
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