At the European Spallation Source (ESS) the neutron time-of-flight spectrometer CSPEC (Cold Chopper Spectrometer) is under construction. In order to keep the background radiation level low for neighboring instruments and to meet the radiation protection requirements of the facility, a radiation shielding around the spectrometer is necessary. For optimization and planning of the radiation shielding, Monte Carlo simulations were carried out by help of the Monte Carlo codes MCNP6 and McStas. The necessary shielding thickness as well as the influence of gaps, breakthroughs, doors, different samples, a beam catcher and Bragg reflections were determined by simulations. The choice of the shielding material (ordinary concrete) is described. The influence of variations in the concrete composition on the dose rate was examined. It is shown that γ-radiation from neutron capture reactions is in all cases the dominant contribution to the dose rate outside the shielding. The simulation results for the final version of the instrument shielding are presented in this paper.
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