
Purpose of the study: The article is devoted to the complex topic of the invasion of the barbarians, known as the Borans, into the territory of the Bosporan Kingdom in the 3rd century A.D. However, the circumstances of the appearance of these barbarians in the North-Eastern Black Sea Region continue to arise numerous disputes. The main goal of the research is the ethnic identification of the Borans and determination of the exact route of their movement to the Bosporus, which does not contradict other types of sources.
 Methodology: The leading method of research is the method of source analysis. It consisted not only in the selection but also in a thorough study of all the features of the source that are important for deciphering information about the past and identifying historical facts, which are important for the study. When working with found ancient coins, the method of numismatic research was used; it included determining the place and time of issue, as well as the weight and size of a coin.
 Main Findings: The main results of the study consist of the identification of the Borans with ethnically mixed insurgent detachments of the Latrones type, which were active in the middle of the 3rd century A.D., including the sea and the border areas of the Roman Empire. A new route was also developed for the movement of the Borans to the Bosporus from the Lower Danube to Tanais at the mouth of the Don aboard small vessels, i.e. exclusively by water.
 Applications of this study: The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that it can be used to write summarizing works on the history of the states and peoples of the Northern Black Sea Region of the first centuries A.D., textbooks, as well as for developing special courses for students of higher education institutions on the subject "History of Ancient Rome", in order to study the experience of interaction between the ancient civilization and the barbarian world.
 Novelty/Originality: The novelty of the research is determined by the fact that for the first time an explanation is given of the organization of unusual sea crusades of the barbarians against the Roman Empire on the ships of the Bosporan fleet in the second half of the 3rd century A.D. The fact is that at that time the Latrones were the only barbaric force on the Lower Danube that was actively operating, including on ships. It was precisely in such a barbaric environment that the idea of the sea plunder of the Greco-Roman world could have arisen.

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