
The article explores and analyzes the problem of gender equality among cadets and students of higher educational institutions, in particular aviation and technical. The appropriate methods and main aspects of solving the problem are defined. In addition, various methods for introducing gender equality into the educational process are provided and the relevant work of the teacher during classes is presented. At present, gender equality among cadets and students of aviation and technical universities is an urgent problem in Ukraine, because the humanization and democratization of modern society envisage the orientation of our State towards establishing universal human truths and standards. First of all, gender theory should be integrated into the system of scientific knowledge and educational disciplines. Educators should implement planned educational activities aimed at identifying and neutralizing gender stereotypes that form the basis for non-compliance with gender parity and discrimination. Thus, teachers should ensure gender equality among students of higher educational institutions, including cadets and students of aviation and technical higher educational institutions. It is also worth noting that observance of human rights is being formed as a certain ideal, the main means for which is the achievement of the general principles of law, and its fundamental principle is the multi-aspect principle of gender equality. However, given the aforesaid matters, equality of genders does not mean only their biological identity or ignoring physical capabilities along with the mental and psychological characteristics. On the contrary, differences should not be negatively reflected in the living conditions of both men and women, thereby causing discrimination.

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